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Zoom Meetings – How to keep up appearances

Zoom meetings have become the core of business communication during the pandemic and what was seen as a novelty is now a daily occurrence.  Jokes are made that people are dressing up for meetings only from the waist up.  Unless you have been sleeping under a rock the popularity of all video-calling apps has been on the rise and the special features to make these calls fun have become the latest craze.  Filters can be used to make you look younger, pop yourself into a beach scene or standing in front of Mount Rushmore.  Zoom has a bunch of free filters to make meetings fun.  In a meeting, simply click the up arrow next to the Stop Video icon and select Choose Video Filter. Click on different filters to try them on for size! As well as various cool backgrounds for Zoom, user’s have also been doing crazy things like turning themselves into potatoes for Microsoft Teams calls. If you’ve been wondering how to jazz up your dull meetings it is only a click away.

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