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Supplementing Your Holiday Travel: Staying Active on the Go

Supplementing Your Holiday Travel – Staying Active on the Go

Staying active while traveling during the Christmas season can be a bit challenging due to the festivities and disruptions to your regular routine. However, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being, especially during a time when indulgent eating and sedentary activities are common. We are sharing a few ideas to help you protect your health and stay active while celebrating the joy of the holidays. 

Always take some athletic wear with you.  If the opportunity arises for you to take a walk, play a game of tag, visit the beach or go tobogganing you want to have the right clothing.  If you are used to going to the gym, remember that push-ups, sit ups, planks, squats and yoga stretches can be done anywhere, you just need an open piece of floor and determination.

While visiting different places try to explore on foot, take walking tours or visit museums or art galleries.  A little physical exertion is better then none.  Embrace the weather, no matter what it is!  If you are going north consider activities like sledding, ice skating, or cross-country skiing. If you are going south, beach walks, swimming, hiking and any racquet sport are great options.

One thing, that is easy to do and soon becomes a habit is to start your day with a quick morning workout or stretching routine. This sets a healthy tone for the day and ensures you get some activity before other holiday activities take over.  Enjoying all the daily activities when you have taken care of your fitness first makes the rest all that more enjoyable!

When visiting friends and family try to schedule group activities, so you still stay together while getting in some exercise.  Christmas is a time to celebrate and dancing is one of the best ways to celebrate, any time of year.  Remember that the key to staying active during Christmas travel is to incorporate fitness into your holiday plans and make it enjoyable for yourself and your loved ones. By doing so, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and make the most of your holiday season.

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