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May is National Pet Month

May is National Pet Month in the U.S. and a great reminder of the many reasons we, as guardians of our companion animals, should give thanks for all they do for us.  Whether you find pleasure in the methodical purring of a warm cat on your lap, or the smile you get on your face when your beloved dog looks up at you, tail wagging, in anticipation of a walk.  It’s a great moment to just realize the pleasure your four-footed best friend adds to your life.  The physiological benefit of pets in our lives has been well documented.  They manage to make you smile with just an innocent act of mischief or tiny paw reaching out for some loving.  They lower your blood pressure, without even trying, just by being at your side.  They encourage you to get out and get active, just going for a walk or throwing a ball.

But most of all, in National Pet Month, we just need to stroke the top of the head, that loves without condition and strives only to make us happy!

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