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Elk Velvet Antler in Traditional Chinese Health

2000 years of Good Health: Yin and Yang – Rest and Energy

Yang is often depicted by a deer or elk.Traditional Chinese health focuses on the prevention of ill health. This is in stark contrast to western medical practices, which focus on treating an illness once you get it. Good health is a continuum of healthy life choices and practices.

Historical literature documents Elk Velvet Antler use—2000 years of good health. Elk Velvet Antler is considered a preventative medicine. Today, the demand for alternative and natural remedies is huge—people want safe and natural ways to improve their health and well-being, without compromising side effects.Dubbed a Chinese ‘fortifying’ tonic, Elk Velvet Antler has been, and is, an integral component to overall well-being.Chinese also regard Elk Velvet Antler as an aphrodisiac; however, this should not diminish its pharmacological and medicinal uses for joint pain.Koreans use antler as a fundamental component in herbal medicine for preventing ailments.

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