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Decrease Pain in Arthritic Joints, Increase Muscle Mass – Supplement with CanEVA PET

Arthritis in dogs and cats refers to any condition that causes inflammation of the joints between the bones. This inflammation causes pain and stiffness around the joints, which can make normal activities more difficult for your pet. Arthritis affects millions of pets each year; if not managed properly, it can cause significant pain and dramatically reduce your pet’s ability to live a happy, active life.  There are many ways to help an arthritic pet live a happy, healthy life.  One way is to explore the benefits of a chiropractic treatment plan.  Most chiropractic vets are open to discussing the condition of your dog and the benefits of treatment.  Most owners report their pets have more energy, better movement and easier adaptations to physical limitations following chiropractic adjustments.  Secondly, supplementation to assist in your pets mobility, muscle mass and joint health improves quality of life.  CanEVA Pet, an Elk Velvet Antler supplement contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Omegas 3&6, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Calcium, Magnesium, IGF, EGF, and Amino Acids.  Mobility is only a click away, try CanEVA today

Regardless of what treatment course you chose there are many things you can do to help an arthritic pet around the house.

  • Slippery floors can be a hindrance to pets with mobility issues. Place rugs, runners or yoga mats along routes used by your pets
  • Limit access to problem areas of the house, put up gates to block off stairs, put down floor grips, or carry your pet up and down if you are safe to do so.
  • Make sure nails are trimmed short and keep the foot fur trimmed around the pads and toes
  • Pet beds should have enough support and on a non-slip rug so they can safely get in and out of bed.  If your pet is allowed on the furniture, considering helping them up and down or get a pair of steps so they don’t jump.
  • Use an elevated feeding system so your pet doesn’t have to bend their neck when eating
  • When going for a walk make sure the route is not too long or difficult to navigate.  Consider reducing the length of walks but increase the frequency.  Monitor the terrain and be conscious of where your dog may be slip or have trouble navigating. A harness versus a collar may be a good idea to disperse the pressure on the muscles.
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