Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative disease that develops golden retrievers. The progression of it and the treatment options available depend on a number of factors, including the degree of misalignment and age of the dog. Dogs with hip dysplasia can live comfortably into their golden years and experience an improved quality of life with support from their owners. It is possible to help prevent and/or limit the dog’s pain by supplementation. CanEVA PET helps with hip dysplasia by increasing the muscle mass around the joint for support and increases the elasticity and density of ligaments to hold the bone in place, thereby giving more support to the hip to move with less pain and remain strong. The congenital disorder means that the hip socket is actually too loose and the femur causes damage. Stay attentive to your dog’s movement, as hip dysplasia may happen as young as 4 months. The sooner it is recognized the more beneficial CanEVA PET can be for long term effectiveness. Watch for rapid weight gain, trouble standing up, favouring one leg or limping, hesitation to go up stairs and running in a bunny hop, where the dog will use both hind legs together to take the weight off the damaged hip.