#1 Freeze blueberries and sliced up bananas for a cool, low fat dog treat
#2 Fill the Kool Collar with ice. The melting action stimulates sweat to keep your canine cool on hot days www.coolcollars.com
#3 Use zap straps to fasten a battery powered hand fan to your dog’s kennel on the outside facing in
#4 Fill a kiddy pool with a few inches of fresh, cool water for your do to romp lung in or lap up
#5 Try a thermo-regulating cooling bed, perfect for dogs affected by the heat
#6 Make sure your yard provides shade spots under trees, umbrellas or an awning for a break from the direct sunlight
#7 Fill a spray bottle with fresh cool water and mist your dogs’ fur at regular intervals to cool down his inner temp. Spray yourself too!!
#8 Fill a kong or other stuffable toy with food and freeze for a chilly summer treat that will keep your pet busy